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Campaña de la Gran Colecta 2024

Pilgrimage to Lourdes & Fatima
with Fr. Steven Restrepo & Fr. J. Americo Santos
Sep 14-24, 2026
Introduce yourself to the absolute best of Fatima, Lourdes, and Spain. This grace-filled pilgrimage will bring you ever closer to Christ as you visit famous and holy sites along with your fellow pilgrims; experiencing a deep dive into rich history and stunning art, with amazing food along the way.
Into the Deep
02-09-2025 | Dr. Scott Hahn © St. Paul Center for Biblical TheologySimon Peter, the fisherman, is the first to be called personally by Jesus in Luke’s Gospel.
His calling resembles Isaiah’s commissioning in the First Reading: confronted with the holiness of the Lord, both Peter and Isaiah are overwhelmed by a sense of their own sinfulness and inadequacy. Yet each experiences the Lord’s forgiveness and is sent to preach the good news of His mercy to the world.