Online Bulletin
Events & Announcements
Giving Tree Stockings
Please take a purple stocking from the tree, purchase the gift requested and return the gift unwrapped with the tag attached under the tree by Sun, Dec 22.
The Daughters of St. Paul Birthday Party for Jesus
at Pauline Books & Media Center. 885 Providence Hwy, Dedham
Young Adult Mass, Adoration & Hangout
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, 7:00am Mass, 7:45-8:45am Adoration and Confessions followed by a hangout.
The hangouts will vary from getting breakfast together, playing games, or going on a trip somewhere.
Catholic Daughters Annual Christmas Party
in the Corrib Pub, 396 Market St, Brighton
The cost for the dinner is $25.00. There will be a Yankee Swap. Bring a wrapped $20.00 gift.
YAC Advent Bible Study
Sundays in Advent, 6:15-7:15pm at the Assumptionist Center, 330 Market St, Brighton
Immaculate Conception Holy Day Mass Schedule
Mass times: 7:00am, 9:00am, 5:30pm, 7:00pm Spanish
Knights of Columbus Meet & Greet
Catholic men interested in membership in the Brighton Knights of Columbus are invited to visit Council 121 at 323 Washington St. for a meet and greet event with council members.
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, 7:00pm in the rectory
Dia de Reflexión de Adviento
El Padre Juan Carlos Rivera Castro, SJ., nos va a impartir dos charlas para prepararnos para la navidad. También, tendremos misa y la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento con Confesiones.