Moments of truth call for a choice, a simple yes or no to the opportunity offered, the path to be taken, the person to be loved, or the value to be embraced. The most important decisions in these moments of truth are irrevocable, changing the course of our lives, the lives of those we love and even the course of history. But it is hard to predict or envision. Some important events masquerade as insignificant while others are all hype and of little value.
The Resurrection was brushed aside as a hoax, as trickery or a lie. Many people dismissed the tiny church as fanatical and delusional. Yet, here we are, 2000 years later and the power of this day continues to inspire, heal, forgive and save. It has divided history into two, caused nations to war against each other, and motivated those same nations to seek peace. The Resurrection has moved some to tears, others to service, still others to journeys of faith, seeking truth and life. It is THE event of history that has changed the world.
Easter still has the power to change us. Christ has defeated death and given us the chance of life with God. We are reborn through Baptism and given a mission to be an instrument of grace and peace. We can live the faith we have received and join ourselves to Christ. It is a moment of truth and we can choose. Choose Jesus and life will change forever!