This Weekend the second collection is being taken up to help defray the costs incurred due to winter expenses. Winter expenses not only include plowing and heating bills, but also maintenance and repair of our church and rectory heating systems. For example, just last month on the heating system we had to replace five steam valves which had worn out (one of them actually burst).
While the damage from the burst valve in the back confessional in the lower church was covered by insurance, the cost of the replacement of the valves was not and cost us over $2300.00. Thankfully, the damage had happened and the repairs were made before the severe cold snap last weekend. On average, our gas bill is between $5,000.00 and $6,000.00 for each winter month. So, as you can figure out, our regular weekly collection does not come near to covering the expenses. Please be as generous as you can to support this collection. Your support is greatly appreciated.