Our parish Grand Annual Collection will be held this weekend, Oct 31-Nov 1. You should have received information in the mail relative to the collection. The Grand annual collection is the largest single source of revenue for our parish. Please pray about your commitment to supporting the many spiritual, corporal, and material needs of your parish.
All Souls envelopes are available at the doors ofthe church for remembrance of loved ones during themonth of November.
It’s not too late!!! Is the Lord calling you to something more? Have you thought about becoming Catholic? If your answer to these questions is “yes,” then the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for you! The program is also for people who may have been baptized Catholic but never received First Communion or Confirmation. Each week after the 11:15am Mass on Sun, RCIA classes are being offered here at St. Columbkille. They occur in the rectory from 12:30-1:30pm each week until Holy Week. For further details, please contact Deacon Tom Olson at tmajorsolson@gmail.com or 774-364-0567.
Call for Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors: We would like to invite parishioners to participate as a Lector or Eucharistic Minister. The commitment could be once a week or once a month. If you would be interested in assisting, please call Bernadette Kennedy at 617-782-4719. Thank you.