A school prayer:
This week, Saint Columbkille School students, faculty and staff return for a new academic year after their summer break. We pray that they will have a productive year in which a holistic approach to learning, which a Catholic School education emphasizes, will benefit the children, their families, and ultimately their community.
May God bless the children, their families, and the school staff.
Parking restriction for a couple of months:
As you may have noticed from the construction equipment and the mounds of dirt at the back of the parking lot, the construction project that will result in an outdoor recreation area adjacent to the school has begun and is projected to be completed sometime in October.
During construction parking will be limited
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. As areas are completed, additional parking will become available. The driveway between the school and the church is being worked on and will be closed from time to time. When completed, the lower end of the parking lot will be resurfaced, drainage will be improved, and additional parking will be available at the right handportion of the back of the lot. When completed, there will be no reduction in the amount of parking spaces available. So, your patience is requested as we seek to improve the parish property.
Please Remember:
The St. Vincent de Paul Boxes will be at the doors of the church as you leave Mass today.
The next meeting will be this Tue, Sep 8 at 7:00pm, in the rectory.
New members are always welcome!
~Fr. Fitz