Our parish Grand Annual Collection will be held next weekend, Oct 31-Nov 1. You should receive information this week in the mail relative to the collection. The Grand annual collection is the largest single source of revenue for our parish. Please pray about your commitment to supporting the many spiritual, corporal, and material needs of your parish.
All Souls envelopes are available at the doors of the church for remembrance of loved ones during the month of November.
Our parish Grand Annual Collection will be held the weekend of Oct 31-Nov 1. Look for information over the next few weeks relative to the collection. The Grand annual collection is the largest single source of revenue for our parish. Please pray over the next few weeks about your commitment to supporting the many spiritual, corporal, and material needs of your parish.
This Sunday is World Mission Sunday. The second collection will be for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Please be as generous as your means will allow.
Our parish Grand Annual Collection will be held the weekend of Oct 31-Nov 1. Look for information over the next few weeks relative to the collection. The Grand annual collection is the largest single source of revenue for our parish. Please pray over the next few weeks about your commitment to supporting the many spiritual, corporal, and material needs of your parish.
READ MORECongratulations to Francisco Xavier, SJ, who was ordained a Transitional Deacon on Saturday at Saint Ignatius Church in Newton. Deacon Xavier has been working with our Spanish community at the 12:45 Mass each Sunday and will serve as Deacon at that Mass this weekend. Celebrating the Mass will be Fr. Vincent Giacabazzi, SJ, who was with us last year as a Deacon at the Spanish Mass and was ordained a priest this past Spring. We welcome him as he returns to celebrate Mass at Saint Columbkille’s for the first time. May God continue to bless Deacon Xavier and Father Vincent and may God continue to send men like them to Saint Columbkille’s as our parish continues its recent tradition of being a training ground for priests!
READ MOREDeacon Tom Olson...We have been informed of the good news that Cardinal Sean O’Malley has decided to assign Deacon Tom Olson to Saint Columbkille Parish as a Transitional Deacon up until his ordination to the Priesthood, God willing, on May 21, 2016. This means that Deacon Tom will be with us full-time through that date as he continues his preparation for ordination to the Priesthood. Saint Columbkille Parish has been an integral part of Deacon Tom’s preparation for the Diocesan Priesthood. We pray that these coming months will be continue to be a positive period for his vocational journey.
READ MOREOpening School Mass... This Sun, Sep 20, at the 9:30am Mass, we will be celebrating the opening of the new school year.
All students, parents, relatives and friends will be joining in the prayerful celebration for a successful school year.
Opening School Mass:
Next Sun, Sep 20, at the 9:30am Mass, we will be celebrating the openingof the new school year. All students, parents, relativesand friends will be joining in the prayerful celebrationfor a successful school year.
A school prayer:
This week, Saint Columbkille School students, faculty and staff return for a new academic year after their summer break. We pray that they will have a productive year in which a holistic approach to learning, which a Catholic School education emphasizes, will benefit the children, their families, and ultimately their community.
May God bless the children, their families, and the school staff.
Parking restriction for a couple of months
As you may have noticed from the construction equipment and the mounds of dirt at the back of the parking lot that the construction project that will result in an outdoor recreation area adjacent to the school has begun and is projected to be completed sometime in October. During construction parking will be limited. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. As areas are completed, additional parking will become available. The driveway between the school and the church is being worked on and will be closed from time to time. When completed, the lower end of the parking lot will be resurfaced, drainage will be improved, and additional parking will be available at the right hand portion of the back of the lot. When completed, there will be no reduction in the amount of parking spaces available. So, your patience is requested as we seek to improve the parish property.
Welcome Fr. James Min
This week Father James Min, a young priest from China has arrived. He will be living with us for a couple of years while he pursues advanced theological studies at Boston College. Fr. James will not be officially assigned to the parish but will be in residence, so you may see him periodically at Mass as he gets acclimated to his surroundings.