Our Parish Grand Annual Collection and 2019 Catholic Appeal

03-10-2019Pastor's LetterRev. Richard W. Fitzgerald, V.F.

Our Parish Grand Annual Collection continues. You should have received a letter and fiscal year financial summary and budget in the mail if you are registered in the parish. If you did not receive one, Grand Annual Envelopes are available in the racks at the entrances of the church. This collection is the single largest source of income for the parish each year and is essential for us to maintain our parish properties and programs and to meet our financial obligations. Your generous contributions are deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your generous support of the 2019 Catholic Appeal. Thanks to your generosity, we can continue to advance programs for evangelization and pastoral outreach in our parish communities and schools, and in the lives of those who turn to us for assistance. For those of you still interested in making a pledge to this life-changing work, please find a donation form available in the back of the Church or visit our website at bostoncatholicappeal.org to view our latest video about the Appeal. Thank you!

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