Confirmation and First Holy Communion

08-23-2020Pastor's LetterFr. Richard W. Fitzgerald

As many of you know, our schedule this past spring for the celebration of Confirmation and First Holy Communion got upended by the pandemic. We have been able to reschedule celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. It will take place on Tuesday, September 22 at 6:30 pm. All Confirmation students have been notified. If for some reason you did not get a notice, please call the rectory office.

The date for First Holy Communion has not yet been scheduled, but will be scheduled in the near future. It will probably be held during a weekend in October. We will keep you informed.

As has happened over the past several weeks since our reopening, last weekend’s Masses went very well. We had 376 people who came to the Masses and our volunteers, as in previous weekends, were very helpful in coordinating the various safety requirements. We are also grateful for the prayerful and financial support of parishioners who have not yet been able to attend Mass. As we move into the next phases of reopening, you will be informed of any changes to our procedures.

La Celebración de Confirmación, Primera Co- munión

Debido al Coronavirus, las celebraciones de Confir- mación y Primera Comunión de este año se han re- trasado. Las nuevas fechas para estos sacramentos son
1. Confirmación: a las 6:30 pm, martes, el 22 de septiembre
2. Primera Confesión para los niños: a la 1 pm, sábado, el 10 de octubre
3. Primera Comunión para los niños: a la 1 pm, sábado, el 17 de octubre
Para más información por favor comunicarse con Roberto Méndez al 617.312.8526.

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