A few words of interest from Fr. Fitz

07-21-2019Pastor's LetterRev. Richard W. Fitzgerald, V. F.

Alert!!!!!!… Some parishioners are still receiving text messages purported to be from me, Fr. Richard W. Fitzgerald, asking for purchase of “Google cards” for my use. It is a scam, and not a message from me. Do not respond if you get such a message.

Archdiocese Catholic Appeal Goal reached… Due to a recent donation, we have reached 100% of our Catholic Appeal goal. This means that at the end of the year, we will receive a rebate from the Archdiocese amounting to several thousand dollars. Thank you to all who have contributed to the Appeal.

A few words of interest from Fr. Fitz

07-14-2019Pastor's LetterRev. Richard W. Fitzgerald, V. F.

Alert!!!!!!… Some parishioners are still receiving text messages purported to be from me, Fr. Richard W. Fitzgerald, asking for purchase of “Google cards” for my use. It is a scam, and not a message from me. Do not respond if you get such a message.

During the summer months please do not forget to contribute to the financial support of the parish You may have noticed in the bulletin that our offertory collection over the past several weeks has been significantly lower than our weekly target of $7,000.00.. While in the summer our utility costs may be lower than in the winter, our ground and lawn maintenance costs are significantly higher. We need the help of all parishioners in order to keep up with the cost of running the parish.

Mass Times & Confession