Thank You!

05-29-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Thanks to All who contributed to the beautiful First Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated last Sunday by Fr. Tom Olson. The concelebrants, the lectors, the servers, the musicians all helped to make the Mass a truly faith-filled event. Thanks also to all who helped to make the reception following the Mass such a joyous occasion, especially the Catholic Daughters who set up, baked, served and cleaned-up. Also thanks to the young adults who helped with the set up.


Congratulations to Father Tom Olson!

05-22-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Father Tom has chosen to celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving here at Saint Columbkille Church (his adopted parish) on this Sun, May 22 at the 5:00pm Mass. All are invited to attend the Mass and come to a light reception in the school dining hall at which time Father Tom will be available to give his “First Blessing” to anyone present. Please come and join us in this wonderful celebration!

Deacon Tom Olson Part II

05-01-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

This past week, in a letter dated April 21, 2016, Cardinal Sean O'Malley wrote to Deacon Tom Olson,

"It is with great joy and gratitude to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that I hereby call you to the Order of Presbyter. The ordination Mass will take place on Saturday, May 21, 2016, in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, at nine o'clock in the morning. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly as you prepare to receive this Sacrament and to enter into the service of the people of God as a priest."


Mother’s Day

--Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day and in so doing we honor all mothers both living and dead. We show our appreciation in many ways, recognizing that motherhood was given an exalted position when God himself chose to become a man through the “yes” of a woman, named Mary, from the town of Nazareth. Ever since that “yes” all mothers share not only in the physical care of their children but also in their spiritual care recognizing that motherhood brings about a “Child of God.” In honoring all mothers this weekend we also recognize all women who though not through physical generation, have still mothered nieces, nephews, students, neighbors, and others through their motherly instincts of love and caring. Happy Mother’s Day to all.

Deacon Tom Olson

04-24-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

In four short weeks, on Saturday, May 21 at 9:00 am Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Deacon Tom Olson along with eight other men will be ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ by Cardinal Sean O'Malley. As you know, Tom has been assigned to Saint Columbkille Parish as a seminarian, initially in formation to be a Jesuit Priest, but for the past two years to be ordained a Priest for the Archdiocese of Boston. Here at Saint Columkille's we have been on Tom's vocational journey as he has grown in wisdom and Spirit. His ordination is a celebration of faith and perseverance for himself, his family, and also for the parish.


2016 Catholic Appeal is underway

04-17-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

The 2016 Catholic Appeal campaign is off to a wonderful start! We have $36,036.00 already pledged. This is 89% toward our goal of $40,515.00. The early outpouring of support from so many helps sustain the important ministries that make Saint Columbkille Parish a vibrant place of worship. If you have yet to give, please pick up a pledge form at the back of the church or visit Thank you for your prayers and support.

The Easter Collection for the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

04-03-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

This collection supported the health and well-being of our 614 active and senior diocesan priests. Thanks to your generosity, our parish raised $11,425.00 in support of all our priests who faithfully serve our Catholic family in the Archdiocese of Boston. Our parish contribution will have a significantimpact on the quality of life programs we are able toprovide for our priests. If you were out of town thispast weekend, or did not have the opportunity to participate, you are welcome to make a gift online or simply text PRIEST to 56512(msg. & data rates may apply). On behalf of all ourpriests, thank you for your generous support of theClergy Health and Retirement Trust.

Happy Easter!

03-22-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

A very Happy and Blessed Easter to all of our parishioners and their families and to our friends and benefactors of the parish!


Easter Collection for the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

03-20-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Next week’s Easter collection is for our priests. The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust cares for the health and well-being of our 614 active and senior priests in our Archdiocese, ensuring an appropriate level of care and quality of life for the men who have dedicated their lives in service to the Church of Boston. Our priests are there for us. Now, it is our turn to care for them. Please give generously to the collection next week using the envelopes that will be provided. You also can make your gift online at, or simply text PRIEST to 56512 (msg. & data rates may apply). Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of our priests.


Third Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration

03-13-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Wed, Mar 16, 7:30-8:30pm, upper church.
Open to all! Confession will also be available. Eucharistic Adoration occurs once per month on each month’s third Wednesday. Each month’s Adoration includes prayers and intentions that correspond to a particular theme, many of which are related to Catholic Social Teaching. March’s theme is the Church’s “option for the poor and vulnerable.”

2016 Catholic Appeal

03-06-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

This week, Catholics across the Archdiocese are invited to pledge their support to the ministries funded by the Catholic Appeal. If you were unable to make your pledge at Mass, please take a pledge form from the back of the church or pledge online at Thank you for your prayers for a successful Catholic Appeal.

Mass Times & Confession