3rd Sunday of Lent

02-28-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

This Weekend the second collection is being taken up to help defray the costs incurred due to winter expenses. Winter expenses not only include plowing and heating bills, but also maintenance and repair of our church and rectory heating systems. For example, just last month on the heating system we had to replace five steam valves which had worn out (one of them actually burst).


Second Collection

02-21-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Next Weekend the second collection is being taken up to help defray the costs incurred due to winter expenses. Winter expenses not only include plowing and heating bills, but also maintenance and repair of our church and rectory heating systems. For example, just last month on the heating system we had to replace five steam valves which had worn out (one of them actually burst).


First Sunday of Lent

02-14-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Now that we are at the first Sunday of Lent, maybe some of you, like me, have to keep reminding ourselves of the resolves we have made to grow closer to God during this holy and penitential season. Traditionally, the forty days of Lent is a time to reflect on the Stations of the Cross, picturing ourselves at the various scenes wondering how we would have reacted to Jesus at the various steps along the road to Calvary. Would we have mocked Him? Would we have helped Him carry His cross? How grateful we should be that we have heard the gospel message that tells us that “God so loved the world that he gave us His only begotten Son”.


Lent 2016

02-07-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

It is hard to believe that Lent is upon us, but since Easter is early this year (March 27) Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 10. The rules for fasting and abstinence from meat are noted in our bulletin. Recently, I read an article from long ago about the physical benefits of fasting which is often recommended in the bible from a spiritual perspective. Dr. Paul Dudley White was a famous heart specialist in the 1950's and 60's. He was famous for treating President Eisenhower (1952-60) when he had a heart attack during his presidency.


Catholic Schools Week

01-31-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Catholic Schools Week begins Monday with Mass at 9:00 am. All parishioners are invited to join in celebrating the spiritual and academic growth of the children in our school.

Our parish Grand Annual Collection continues.

01-10-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

You should have received information in themail relative to the collect ion. Ifyou did not, you may pick up theinformation envelope at the entrances of the church. The Grand annual collect ion is the largest single source of revenue for our parish.Please pray about your commitment to supporting themany spiritual, corporal, and material needs of yourparish.

New Year 2016

01-03-2016Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

It is hard to believe that it has been 16 years since we experienced the turn of the millenium. But as we know, time does fly, and the older we get the more real that statement becomes. In many ways, life is just a hop, skip, and jump on the way to eternity. No matter how long we live, life is just a brief stay here on earth. So, as we begin a new year, let us hear the words of Pope Francis as he declares this year to be a "Year of Mercy." Let us all be willing to humble ourselves to receive God's mercy, and in turn, be merciful ourselves. In that way, we will be open to the love of God and will certainly make the world a better place and know the great purpose of life in union with Jesus Christ.

The Holy Family

12-27-2015Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

So soon aft er Chr ist ma s, we give honor to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Except for the narratives in the gospel about Jesus' birth and the story of His being found in the Temple at age 12, we know very little of the daily life of the Holy Family. Yet, we can honor that particular family because it was chosen by God to be the vehicle of His gift of salvat ion to all people. It was a family with a mission from God, to be fulfilled when Jesus at age 30 would begin his three year public ministry. In a true sense, each family has a mission from God. Each family is meant to be the vehicle through which the gospel of Jesus is lived out fait hfully and truthfully. If each family would recognize the great dignit y given to it by God, then our world would be a better place. As we honor the original Holy Family, let us pray that our own family may recognize its own holiness and great value.

Advent to Christmas

12-20-2015Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and with it we look forward this week to the great celebration of Christmas. As we move toward this solemn celebration, let us give thanks for the faith that has come down to us from all the generations since the birth of Christ. We owe much to those generations and must ensure that future generations may look back in thanksgiving toward us for having persevered in the Faith. It is an obligation that our ancestors took seriously and one that we should take seriously. In a world that is full of strife and unbelief, may the true spirit of Christ mas reign in the hearts of all people as we sing “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men of good will.” A Blessed Christmas to all!

The Year of Mercy

12-13-2015Pastor's LetterRev. Richard Fitzgerald

The Year of Mercy began on December 8. As you may know, Pope Francis has declared a Year of Mercy so that we all may focus on the mercy that God showers upon us. In the Beatitudes, Jesus teaches "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." In other words, the mercy that comes from God is related to the mercy that we show to one another, not unlike the words in the Lord's Prayer, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." During this year of Mercy, as we rejoice in the mercy of God, let us focus on the Spiritual and Corporal works of mercy that the Church sets before us. Here is a reminder of those acts of mercy…


The Year of Mercy

12-06-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Fritz

The Year of Mercy begins on December8. As you may know, PopeFrancis has declared a Year of Mercyso that we all may focus on the mercythat God showers upon us.

In the Beatitudes,Jesus teaches “Blessed arethe merciful, for they will be shownmercy.” In other words, the mercythat comes from God is related to the mercy that weshow to one another, not unlike the words in theLord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgivethose who trespass against us.” During this yearof Mercy, as we rejoice in the mercy of God, let usfocus on the Spiritual and Corporal works of mercythat the Church sets before us. Here is a reminder ofthose acts of mercy…


A message from Fr. Fitz

11-29-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Fritz

Congratulations to Janet Tambascio Fraher who will receive the Cheverus Award this Sun, Nov 29 at 3:00pm in the Holy Cross Cathedral. Each year, one-third of the parishes of the Archdiocese of Boston are asked to nominate a parishioner for the award. The Cheverus Award is presented to a layperson who has served the parish over an extended period of time and has done so in a quiet, unassuming and perhaps unrecognized fashion. We thank Janet for her service to the parish and congratulate her on this achievement.


A message from Fr. Fitz

11-22-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Richard Fitzgerald

Our parish Grand Annual Collection continuesthrough the Fall. You should have received informationin the mail relative to the collection. If you didnot, you may pick up the information envelope at theentrances of the church. The Grand annual collectionis the largest single source of revenue for our parish.Please pray about your commitment to supporting themany spiritual, corporal, and material needs of yourparish.

A Message from Fr. Fitz

11-01-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Richard Fitzgerald

Our parish Grand Annual Collection will be held this weekend, Oct 31-Nov 1. You should have received information in the mail relative to the collection. The Grand annual collection is the largest single source of revenue for our parish. Please pray about your commitment to supporting the many spiritual, corporal, and material needs of your parish.

Mass Times & Confession